Class of 1943 20th MHS Graduating Class
Graduates of 1943 Albert N. Hull, Executive Head Edwin Duncan, Principal Row 1: Helen Sturgill, Lois Kitchen, Doris Herrmann, Lucille Bennett, Marilyn White, Faye Collins, Olive Karr. Row 2: Juanita Whitley, Edith Moore, Catherine Kronk, Anna Lore, Dorothy Wilson, Frances Wilson, Ruby Clark. Row 3: Alma Weeks, Faye Montgomery, Beatrice Sparks, Wilard Oney, Gaye Brown, Wilma Stidham, Charles Hutchinson. Row 4: Vernon Reese, Emmitt Coriell, Cleo Conkel, Leo Conkel, Robert McLaughlin. Picture courtesy of Helen Sturgill Eshem
Earl Adkins |
Edna Lucille Bennett |
Mavis Brickey |
Elta Gay Brown |
Ruby Clark |
Inez Fay Collier |
Cleo Rufus Conkel |
Leo Sherman Conkel |
Richard Wesley Cooper |
Emmett Barrett Coriell |
Clarence Roy Hafer |
Doris Elizabeth Herrmann |
Charles L. Hutchinson |
Olive Violet Karr |
Lois Ann Kitchen |
Catherine E. Kronk |
Anna Marie Lore |
Robert L. McLaughlin |
Albert Charles Melvin |
Faye Montgomery |
Edith Moore |
Willard Oney |
Richard Tuxford Pierce |
Vernon E. Reese |
Beatrice Sparks |
Wilma Jean Stidham |
Helen Sturgill |
Herman Swords |
Alma Jane Weeks |
Isaac W. Wells |
Marilyn White |
Juanita Whitley |
Arlie J. Williams |
Dorothy Mae Wilson |
Mary Frances Wilson |
Hazel O. Yeagle | |
Class of 1943 as Sophomores