Gardens, Roads Hit From Scioto River to Minford
The Portsmouth Times, Saturday, May 27, 1944, p. 1
Damage expected to mount into the thousands was caused by of cloudburst proportions which swept the territory from Rosemount Road,Lucasville, Minford and the Scioto River Friday afternoon.
Truck gardens were destroyed or badly damaged by washouts and floods, fences were washed away by small flooded streams and township and county roads were damaged by the swift current of streams which went out of their banks wthin a few minutes. Other property loss included the drowning of chickens and damage to farm properties, including buildings and implements.
The worst of the storm damage apparently centered in the Houston Hollow, Sturgeon Hollow, Candy Run, Fallen Timber, Maple-Benner Road, Long Run, Rubyville, Glendale, and Minford sectors.
Sunshine south of Minford and White Gravel north of Minford reported heavy rainfall but not nearly as severe as in the neighboring areas.
Residents of Houston Hollow reported that a stream hit its highest point in 26 years. Hillside gardens were washed away as freshly worked soil was carried away or deposited on bottomlands plantings to sufficient depth to smother the young plants.