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Class of 1947

Class of 1947
24th MHS Graduating Class

Jerry C. Beasley
Belva Boggs Bennett
Helen Joanne Bennett
Marion (Junior) Bennett, Jr.
Fern Alberta Blackburn
Wilma Bobst
Donald Edwin Bradshaw
Ivan Elwood Brown
Gene Caudill

John Lewis Coburn
Betty Ann Cooper
Jean Cutlip
Leonard Downs
Eugene Eckhart
Mary Ellen Eves
Ethel Lee Fannin
Richard Scott "Jock" Foster
Bernadine Glenn
Gilbert Henson
Glenn Garland Hutchinson
Ralph Hutchinson - given honorary diploma 2005
Charles M. Jarvis
Eugene Martin
Robert R. McGlone
Eleanore Morris
Frank Montgomery
Wilma Noel
Alice W. Peach
Ruth Pigg
Ralph Schisler
Ellora Schuler
Connie Dewey Scott
Ella R. Scott
Paul Edward Sexton
Joy Shoemaker
Rosemary Sparks Shumway
Carl F. Smith
Donald Synder
Harold E. Sparks
Russell V. Sparks
Roy Lee Spradlin
Kathleen Stevens
Delores Ann Warner
Etta Wells
Ruby Wright

Baccalaureate - May 4, 1947
Commencement - May 6, 1947
Speaker - Rev. Laurence L. Hucksoll, First Presbyterian Church, Portsmouth, Ohio
Valedictorian:  Joy Shoemaker, Average. 94.26
Salutatorian:  Robert McGlone, Average. 90.2

Class Officers:
President - Leonard Downs
Vice-President - Harold Sparks
Secretary - Eleanore Morrie
Treasurer - Donald Bradshaw
Class Officers - Junior year - Click here for photo

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Minford Local Schools
491 Bond Rd.  |  Minford, OH 45653  |  P: 740-820-3020  |  F: 740-820-3334
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