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Minford Local School District
E O McCowen

Edward Oscar (EO) McCowen, County Superintendent - 1925

Inscription in the 1925 yearbook

To Mr. McCowen, we wish to express our deepest thanks and appreciation for his influential work in helping secure for us this high school building which we are now using.  It is due to the expenditure of much of his time and energy that the people were brought to the realization of the need of a high school in this immediate vicinity.  We feel that the services Mr. McCowen has rendered this community in aiding in the construction of this educational institution are indeed very great.

The position that we now know as Superintendent was often referred in many different ways.  For many years, the high school principal was called "Supervising Principal," and that person acted as both Superintendent and Principal.  The only exception that could be located was the 1930 - 1931 school year.  Pearley Gaskill was reported in a newspaper article as Superintendent, and Harry Bitzer was reported as High School Principal.  

In 1956, the positions of Superintendent and High School Principal were divided and given to two different people.  At that time the Superintendent's title was "Executive Head."

The first administrator to be given the title, Local Superintendent, was William Phillis.

Because one person acted as both Superintendent and High School Principal, they are listed on both tables below:

Alva Burton Jones

Supervising Principal

 1925 - 1926

Ray G. Wood 

 Supervising Principal

 Mr. Ray G. Wood

 1926 - 1928

Albert L. Mattoon 

 Supervising Principal

 Mr. Albert Mattoon

 1928 - 1930

William Kimpling Billings 

 Supervising Principal

 1931 - 1933

Pearley Riley Gaskill 

 Supervising Principal

 Mr. Pearley Gaskill

 1933 - 1938

Jacob D. McKinley was hired on May 20, 1933, but rejected the appointment in August. 

V. Leland Gilliland 

Gilliland was hired on August 8, 1933.

 Supervising Principal 

1938 to 1961

Edwin J. Duncan

Supervising Principal Executive Head

1961 to 1964

Edward Hall

Executive Head

Mr. Edward Hall

1964 to 1966

Harold F. Everling

Executive Head

Mr. Harold Everling

1966 to 1969

William L. Phillis

Local Superintendent

Mr. William Phillis

1969 to 1974

Dr. William F. Rogers

Local Superintendent

Dr. William Rogers

1974 to 1986

William F. Boyer

Local Superintendent

Mr. William F. Boyer

1986 to December 2008

Dr. Dennis James Meade

Local Superintendent

Dr. Dennis J. Meade

January 2009 to 
August 2013

Mr. Mark Wilcheck

Local Superintendent

Mr. Mark Wilcheck

2013 to 2016

Mrs. Barbara Dever

Local Superintendent

 Mrs. Barbara Dever
2016 to present

Mr. Jeremy Litteral

 Local Superintendent

 Mr. Jeremy Litteral




Assistant Superintendent
The first person to serve as the assistant to the Superintendent was Mr. Glenn A. Franke.

During the 1985 - 1986 school year, Mr. Franke served as Administrative Assistant to Mr. Bill Boyer, Superintendent.

In 1986, the Board of Education created the position of Assistant Superintendent.

Assistant Superintendent
The position was created in 1986 

1986 - *2007
Mr. Franke retired on 31 Dec 2004
He was rehired 3 Jan 2005 
Glenn A. Franke
The position of Assistant Superintendent was not filled for several years after the retirement of Glenn A. Franke in 2007. 
Jul 2013 to Dec 2013Mrs. Barbara Dever 
2015 to 2016Mr. Jeremy Litteral



High School Principals 

School YearPrincipal
 1923 - 1924 A. B. Jones
 1924 - 1925 R. G. Wood
 1925 - 1926 R. G. Wood
 1926 - 1927 A. L. Matoon
 1927 - 1928 A. L. Matoon
 1928 - 1929 A. K. Billings
 1929 - 1930 Pearley Gaskill 
 1930 - 1931 Harry L. Bitzer
 1931 - 1932 Pearley Gaskill
 1932 - 1933 Pearley Gaskill
 1933 - 1934 V. Leland Gilliland
 1934 - 1935 V. Leland Gilliand
 1935 - 1936 V. Leland Gilliland
 1936 - 1937 V. Leland Gilliand
 1937 - 1938 Edwin J. Duncan
 1938 - 1939 Edwin J. Duncan
 1939 - 1940 Edwin J. Duncan
 1940 - 1941 Edwin J. Duncan
 1941 - 1942 Edwin J. Duncan
 1942 - 1943 Edwin J. Duncan
 1943 - 1944 Edwin J. Duncan
 1944 - 1945 Edwin J. Duncan
 1945 - 1946 Edwin J. Duncan
 1946 - 1947 Edwin J. Duncan
 1947 - 1948 Edwin J. Duncan
 1948 - 1949 Edwin J. Duncan
 1949 - 1950 Edwin J. Duncan
 1950 - 1951 Edwin J. Duncan
 1951 - 1952 Edwin J. Duncan
 1952 - 1953 Edwin J. Duncan
 1953 - 1954 Edwin J. Duncan
 1954 - 1955 Edwin J. Duncan
 1955 - 1956 Edwin J. Duncan
 1956 - 1957 Albert N. Hull
 1957 - 1958 Edward Hall
 1958 - 1959 Edward Hall
 1959 - 1960 Jacob Frowine
 1960 - 1961 Harold E. Everling
 1961 - 1962 Harold E. Everling
 1962 - 1963 Harold E. Everling
 1963 - 1964 Harold E. Everling
 1964 - 1965 Richard Rannels
 1965 - 1966 Richard Rannels
 1966 - 1967 Clifford Jenkins, Jr.
 1967 - 1968 Clifford Jenkins, Jr.
 1968 - 1969 Robert Whitman
 1969 - 1970 Robert Whitman
 1970 - 1971 Dan Gilbert
 1971 - 1972 Dan Gilbert
 1972 - 1973 Dan Gilbert
 1973 - 1974 George Harris
 1974 - 1975 Dan Kuhner
 1975 - 1976 Dan Kuhner
 1976 - 1977 Dan Kuhner
 1977 - 1978 Dan Kuhner
 1978 - 1979 Glenn Franke
 1979 - 1980 Glenn Franke
 1980 - 1981 Glenn Franke
 1981 - 1982 Glenn Franke
 1982 - 1983 Randy Parker
 1983 - 1984 Dennis Meade
 1984 - 1985 Dennis Meade
 1985 - 1986 Dennis Meade
 1986 - 1987 Robert Shaffer
 1987 - 1988 Robert Shaffer
 1988 - 1989 Robert Shaffer
 1989 - 1990 Robert Morton
 1990 - 1991 Robert Morton
 1991 - 1992 Robert Shaffer
 1992 - 1993 Robert Shaffer
 1993 - 1994 Robert Shaffer
 1994 - 1995 Robert Shaffer
 1995 - 1996 Robert Shaffer
 1996 - 1997 Robert Shaffer
 1997 - 1998 Robert Shaffer
 1998 - 1999 Robert Shaffer
 1999 - 2000 Robert Shaffer
 2000 - 2001 Robert Shaffer
 2001 - 2002 Robert Shaffer
 2002 - 2003 Robert Shaffer
 2003 - 2004 Robert Shaffer
 2004 - 2005 Robert Shaffer
 2005 - 2006 Robert Shaffer
 2006 - 2007 Robert Shaffer
 2007 - 2008 Robert Shaffer
 2008 - 2009 Robert Shaffer
 2009 - 2010 Barbara Dever
 2010 - 2011 Barbara Dever
 2011 - 2012 Barbara Dever
 2012 - 2013 Barbara Dever
 2013 - 2014 Jeff Pica 
 2014 - 2015 Jeff Pica
 2015 - 2016 Jeff Pica
 2016 - 2017 Jeff Pica
 2017 - present Jeff Pica


High School Assistant Principals 

1976 - 1977Glenn Franke
1998 - 1999Jeff Berry
1999 - 2002Mike Flaig
2002 - 2009Barbara Dever
2009 - 2013Jeff Pica
2013 to 2015Ryan McGraw
2015 to 2022Taylor Skinner
(he was moved to Falcon Virtual School Supervisor during the 2020 - 2021 school year.  Returned as Assistant Principal for 2021 - 2022.


 Middle School Principals


 Middle School Assistant Principals








 Harold Allen 19691970     
 William Boyer 19701974    
 Harold Allen 1976 1985  Jerry Jenkins1976  1978
 Jerry Ruark 1986 1994    
 Kevin Lloyd 1994 2013  Tony Miller 1986* 1990*
 Dennis Evans 2013 present  Kevin Lloyd 1992 1994
     Jerry Ruark 1994 1995*
     Jennifer Poage 1998  2000
     Barbara Dever 2000 2002
     Dennis Evans 2002 2007
     Dave Rucker 2007 2009
     Sommer Picklesimer 2009 2011
     Joshua Morris 2014 2015
     Kristin Ruby 2015 2022
     James N. Mahlmesiter 2022 present
*Some dates may vary 

Primary School Principals

1969 - 1986Jerry Ruark
1986 - 2007Tim Allen
2007 - 2013Dennis Evans
2013 - 2015Jeremy Litteral
2015 to presentRyan McGraw


Technology Coordinator/Supervisor

The position of Technology Coordinator was created for the 1992 - 1993 school year.
During the first three years, the coordinator served in a half-time capacity.

The position was renamed at the beginning of the 2002 - 2003 school year. The position is now called
District Technology Supervisor.

Technology Supervisors 

1995 - 2002David Boyer
2002 - presentRyan Stockham


High School Guidance Counselors

The first guidance counselor at Minford High School was hired for the 1956 - 1957 school year. The 1957 Yearbook stated that:

This program is recommended by the State Department of Education and is being adopted by the larger and more progressive schools. We are endeavoring to assist the school personnel, students, parents, and community toward a better cooperative understanding of all our problems and abilities.

Such a program must be coordinated and systematized with other existing school developments. It must be planned for a long range.

We shall initiate new services and strengthen existing ones in our school system. 

High School Guidance Counselors 

1956 - 1965William Coriell
1965 - 1967William Hogan
1967 - 1971Richard Howard
1971 - 1974Paul Crabtree
1974 - 1984Eugene Risner
1984 - 2000Diana Shaffer
2000 - 2010Steve Cayton
2010 to presentSindee Williams


 Middle School
Guidance Counselors


 Elementary School
Guidance Counselors








 Eugene Risner1967  1968  Eugene Risner 19671968 
 Don Tackett1968 1970  Don Tackett 1968 1970
 Eugene Risner1970 1974  Eugene Risner 1970 1972
 Dave Canter1974  1992  Elizabeth von Bakonyi 1972 1979
 Debbie Allen1992* 2005  Lou Reed 1980  2005 
 Bernard Tilley2005  2010   Brent Howard 2005 present
 Steve Cayton2010 2013     
 Erica Thompson2013 2020     
 Leah Compan2020  present    
*Some dates may vary 



Curriculum Coordinator 
The position was created in 1999 

 Amy O'Dell 1999 to present

School Nurse 

1969 - 1971

Jane Gambill

1971 - 1972 
1972 - 1973 
1973 - 1974 
1974 - 1975 
1975 - 1976 
1976 - 1977 
1977 - 1993

Betty Figlestahler

1993 - 1996

Elaine Williams Jividen

1996 - present

Deborah Daniels


Athletic Directors 
The position was created in 1976

 Glenn A. Franke 1976 - 1978
 Bill Hale 1984 - 1985*
 Jeff Berry          - 1999
 Chad Belville 1999 - 2000
 Jim Parkes 2000 - 2011
 Jeff Pica 2011 - 2014
 Kristin Ruby 2014 - present
*Dates may vary 
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Minford Local Schools
491 Bond Rd.  |  Minford, OH 45653  |  P: 740-820-3020  |  F: 740-820-3334
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