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The Portsmouth Times, April 29, 1964, pp. 1 & 10

Students Leave Minford School
Protest Against Board

A group of Minford High School students continued a sit-out demonstration May 28 in what they called a protest to the "firing of Mr. Hall."

About 75, mostly upperclassmen and about equally boys and girls, left their last two classes Tuesday afternoon and the number was reported slightly larger this morning.

There were these other developments in the growing controversy resulting from a Minford Local School District board of education vote not to renew the contract of Edward R. Hall, the school system's executive head.

Dr. Roy H. Adams, president of the board, was reported meeting with the county prosecutor and county superintendent's office over the student demonstration.

Five cruisers, three from the highway patrol and two from the sheriff's office, were patroling the Minford area as a precautionary measure.

A citizens group supporting Hall announced plans to go to Columbus Thursday to discuss the school situation with officials of the State Department of Education.

Hall expressed appreciation for support, but said he is "not coming back to Minford next year," not matter what the outcome.  

The veteran administrator and basketball coach at Minford and Valley high schools is completing a three-year term as executive head.  The board voted 3 - 2 in a special session last Thursday not to renew his contract.

The protesting students first bolted from classes at 1 p.m. Tuesday, but were herded back to the building by Hall.  They returned to classes, only to leave the building at the next break.

Hall made several attempts to get the students back in class and used the school's public address system to persuade others not to join the walkout.

Hall said the students out today had not entered school property.  He said classes were continuing on normal schedule.

A large body of students marched to the home of Dr. Adams after school Tuesday and some administrators made one pass by the doctor's home and office today.

Dr. Adams visited the county prosecutor's office this morning for a discussion of the school board's problems.  Prosecutor Everett Burton said he advised Dr. Adams the problems should be worked out by the school board.

Burton said no written opinions were requested by the school board president.

Questioned in the courthouse shortly after his meeting with the prosecutor, Dr. Adams said he had been in Portsmouth since 8 a.m. for a medical case at one of the hospitals and wasn't aware that a group had paraded in front of his Minford office this morning.

Asked whether he had suffered any property damage or intended to file any charges, Dr. Adams said, "No."

As a precautionary measure the Ohio Highway Patrol had three card patroling the general area and two Scioto Sheriff's cruisers were at the scene.

Parents Watch

Students outside the school, watched by a group of parents gathered across the road, said they feel Hall got "a bad deal" and said they would stay out of class the rest of the year if necessary.

Some of the older students said they thought their action might persuade the board to change its stand.  The students said they like Hall and thought he was a good administrator.

One young demonstrator was collared by an irate mother and was aimed back toward the building by the ear and a few swats.

Hall, in his office, said he was distressed to see the demonstration because it could only "hurt the school district as other hassles have."

Not Coming Back Hall Says

I've had a lot of support from district residents," he continued, "but no matter what the outcome I'm not coming back to Minford next year."

Hall said it doesn't matter what happens to him, but "I am interested in the school district and I don't want to see it hurt and the people run over."

The executive head said "my work is not an issue," but the whole matter has a lot of "political implications."  Hall said board members who opposed his rehiring would only cite "non-cooperation" as their cause.

One member of a citizens committee supporting Hall said a board member at an earlier meeting charged that Hall "wasn't carrying out his duties properly in making sure his teachers taught correctly."

The group said it would go to Columbus Thursday and seek an meting with State Department of Education officials.

The citizens committee apparently has run into a wall in its announcement plans to start recall election proceeding to oust the board.

Attorneys have advised the group, spokesman said, that a brief study indicated that a recall election might not be legal for a school board.  State law indicates that recall applies to municipal officials.

The constitutional rule stipulates that a hearing for removal must be conducted and just charges and grouds be presented for removal.  Recall voting is not mentioned, attorneys said.

Meanwhile, residents of the Minford district are proceeding with plans for a mass meeting to decide a plan of action.  The meeting may be held next Monday.

The Minford Teachers Association, comprised of approximately 50 at the high school and five grade buildings, today called a meeting for 3:45 p.m. Thursday at the school.

Mrs. June Green, association secretary, said teachers are to discuss association officers and "other matters."

The association earlier this week reported it had asked for and accepted the resignation of Larry Raines as president.  Mrs. Dorothy Garrett moved up from vice-president, but it was reported today she may resign because of the pressure of the school controversy. 


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